How Can I Design My Book Cover?

To design your book cover, you can start by researching popular book cover designs in your genre and analyzing what elements make them successful.

Consider hiring a professional designer or using online design tools to create your cover.

Be sure to choose a compelling image, use legible fonts, and make the title and author name prominent.

It’s also important to consider your book’s overall mood and tone when designing the cover.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips and tricks to help you design a book cover that stands out and accurately represents your story.

Like any creative endeavor, creating a book cover design begins with a concept. To develop a decent idea and create a quality book cover, you don’t need to be an expert designer, but you also shouldn’t wait countless months for inspiration to strike.

To create the design yourself, you don’t need to be a designer, but more on that in a moment.

1. Research to acquire ideas

Our most exemplary ideas unquestionably come to us when we least expect them. Still, your publisher may be unwilling to wait too late for the metaphorical muse to kiss you on the forehead.

In the worst-case scenario, your patience can be wasted. So give that muse a little prod and a wink, as per our advice.

Just browse the web to discover what other people have been doing. It’s simple to market research, so there’s no need to feel awful about it.

Keep an open mind while exploring lesser-known writers’ writings and foreign authors’.

The best places to start are Barnes & Noble and Amazon Books. Nevertheless, you may explore a sizable selection on Alibris, Book Depository, and several foreign retailers like Booktopia or Waterstones.

2. Improve your design idea

This stage aims to transform the concepts you’ve collected into something more concrete. It may be difficult, but not if you know what rules to follow. So, to simplify things, let’s divide it into more miniature stages.

 Note the following recommendations when you work on your book cover design drafts:

Remain loyal to the brand.

If there is an existing brand to build upon, that is. It could be somewhat more difficult for you to express yourself creatively if the book is a part of a series or the author’s earlier works have a well-established visual identity.

But it may also aid in attention reduction. There is far more room for experimentation with a debut. It would be wise to draw out many extremely distinctive styles in this situation.

This is when the following point becomes relevant, even if it isn’t very different.

Include the main concepts.

This shouldn’t require much work if you’re the author. However, imagine that you’re creating a book cover for someone else’s writing.

In this situation, it’s crucial to comprehend not just the genre but also some of the fundamental concepts, symbols, and mood to determine what goes on the cover and what doesn’t; this will help you choose the color scheme, the focal point, and maybe even the typeface.

In other words, if time is limited, read the book or, at the absolute least, get a thorough brief from the author or publisher.

Ensure that it will seem decent from a distance.

Designing an ebook cover is different from creating a physical book jacket. One in five books sold today is eBooks, while hardback books are increasingly being purchased online.

This implies that a large portion, if not the majority, of the audience, will probably only see a small thumbnail of the new book’s cover on a computer or phone screen.

However, since eBook readers increasingly use e-ink displays similar to Kindle devices, it also helps if the design is legible in monochrome.

3. Create a draft.

List the pertinent details.

What information do you want on the cover? It’s effortless to cram the front cover with too much information, but there are a few essential components you must include.

Mandatory parts of the layout

Title. As the main point of interest in the design, this should go without saying.

The writer. The author must be identified on the front cover or, at least, on the book’s spine, whether it was the product of a single individual or a group of people.

The context. The backdrop is a crucial component of every book cover design, whether a complex pattern, a fashionable frame, or a plain hue.

optional components for layout

Depending on your idea, you could use a few auxiliary text pieces in your book cover design. However, according to the general rule, the more intricate your backdrop, the less probable it is that you can still use them without harming the design:

The subtitle

A quick analysis or quotation

Publishing information

Make sure your typography is accurate.

Even if the content you chose for the book cover may be a genius’s creation, the poor typography will doom those bright ideas to mediocrity.

However, a well-selected font may give the text nearly as much personality as the actual words. However, selecting your font is the final item on your list.

Readability is the most crucial factor in book cover typography. We must emphasize this.

Without hesitation, switch to a new font if someone seeing the book for the first time cannot read the whole text on the cover at a glance.

Then, before falling in love with one, zoom out or back up a little to ensure it reads well at thumbnail size.

You may experiment with font weights, glyphs, swashes, letter spacing, line height, and other sophisticated things deep down the rabbit hole after you’ve narrowed your selection down to only three or four types.

If you’re working on a book cover, go through our selection of free typography fonts. Check out these free script fonts if you want something that looks like handwriting.

Select a suitable color scheme.

This subject is so intricate that it might fill not just another book but maybe a tiny library. But to understand the fundamentals, you don’t need a degree in the arts.

The most crucial thing is to avoid utilizing too many distinct hues and choose those few tones carefully to ensure they are complementary. Then, you may look at some tested color schemes to get inspiration.

Consider the pictures.

The backdrop, regardless of how simple or intricate, is a crucial design component, as was already established. Again, you have a lot of possibilities, but it’s usually preferable to use a simple image that doesn’t detract from the Title.

Not that you should not utilize photographs. Contrarily, images with strong contrast have a powerful impression.

Thus, sustaining a well-balanced design may not be accessible when the backdrop is busy. But it’s far from impossible.

If you want to utilize a photo, ensure it is high-quality, well-lit, and, most importantly, yours to use. This is the last thing you want to see when you look in your fan letter is a copyright lawyer’s name.

Make sure the picture you use for your book cover design inspires the appropriate feeling and stirs up your emotions, whether that feeling is tranquillity, suspense, curiosity, or even dread or disgust, as long as it suits the topic.

Another option would be to use a simple book cover and keep the aesthetic components simple.

How can I create my book cover for free?

You can create your book covers using several free tools, such as Canva, Adobe Spark, and Piktochart.

These platforms give you ready-made templates and graphics that you can change to make a unique cover that looks professional.

You can also use free stock photos for your cover image. Could you check the licensing terms and attribution requirements before using them?

Using tools like Pencil, you can quickly develop, edit, publish, distribute smoothly, and sell your book in eBook and print editions globally for free.

Here are some tips on how to comprehend, expand, and publish your work worldwide:

Sign up for a free account at

On the Pencil Editor, add or write your manuscript.

Incorporate the book details to improve your novel.

Use free templates to create your book cover or upload one of your own.

Decide the cost and calculate your royalties.

Click “Publish” after digitally signing your author-publisher agreement.

Congratulations! You’ve now had books published all across the world. We’re not joking, we promise!

Even if using Pencil to print a book is simple, you could still have some concerns before getting started. This video tutorial may be helpful.

The first platform of its kind, Pencil, assembles tools that will enable you to write more and write more effectively. Get a free ISBN, open sales records, and fair royalties for each book sold via a single platform.

Pencil is here to democratize creation with a platform that supports more than 60 languages by providing you with the most extraordinary distribution network of 400+ shops in more than 20 different regions and countries to enable you to release your work in eBook and Paperback.

This is how easy it is to publish a book. Start now and offer millions of people access to your book with just one click.

What is the best app to design a book cover?

Several apps can be used to design a book cover, but some of the most popular ones are Canva, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign.

Each has its strengths and weaknesses, depending on your preferences and skill level. Canva is easy to use and cheap, while Adobe Photoshop and InDesign have more features for professional designers.

Get the appropriate software to back up your ideas!

All you need to make your ideas come to life is Creative Cloud. For incredible results, combine all of the Adobe programs. You can create, edit, and render using Creative Cloud in a variety of formats:

  • A picture
  •  A video
  •  Songs
  • Infographics & 3D models
  •  Various additional works of art

After putting in the effort to write the book of your dreams, you must ensure that it will sell by designing the book’s cover in the most fantastic manner possible.

You deserve to give your book the finishing touches, like a gorgeous cover, now that the drawn-out writing process has come to a close. After all, your laborious job deserves attention, and creating tools is there to assist you.

Likewise, it would be advantageous if you applied specialized software capable of including cutting-edge effects and displaying a unique layout appropriate for the finished book cover.

Software for making expert book covers is helpful in this situation.

We selected the top tools for designing book covers to guide your decision since there are many different options for this kind of software available on the market, making it difficult to choose the best one.

What is the best book cover design software for PC?

There are several options for book cover design software for PC, but some of the most popular ones are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Canva. Each program has pros and cons, so it’s essential to consider your needs and preferences when picking the right one.

First, Adobe InDesign

You constantly tell people not to judge a book by its cover, but we must confess that sometimes we can’t help it.

Therefore, to create book covers, you should always use the most incredible software available, Adobe InDesign, for the subject at hand.

This desktop publishing and typesetting program may produce any work, including posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, presentations, books, and eBooks.

Designing a book cover should be straightforward, given the variety of skills.

You can make the most eye-catching cover ever using Adobe InDesign because of its built-in connectivity with other Adobe tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

2. Express edition of Adobe Creative Cloud

You may create a vision from your work with Adobe Creative Cloud Express, a free book cover builder.

Simply perusing the template portion of this software’s features might give you ideas for the ideal book cover design. Each is simple to personalize with your photographs, graphics, and text.

The most satisfactory characteristics of this tool are listed below:

There are book cover templates available for every style and genre.

Additionally, you may change the template until you get the cover of your desires.

You can design a cover using Adobe Creative Cloud Express that conveys your message and makes an emotional effect.

With this tool, you may increase your audience and inventiveness.

You can access gorgeous typography with Creative Cloud Express and a selection of cost-free, expertly crafted fonts.

Pick photos from your collection or the hundreds of pictures on the web.

You may instantly alter a broad range of layouts, fonts, and colors using images, text, and icons.

3. Visme

Visme is software that provides expert designs for various tasks, such as book or company cover designs.

With dozens of editing capabilities suitable for presentations, cover designs, and many other forms of graphics, this potent tool can generate visual goods.

In other words, because of the customized capabilities that let you arrange any visuals whatever you choose, your book will communicate to the reader only by its cover.

Additionally, Visme can ensure a good brand image, making it possible to use precise facts or ideas to convey the message more effectively. As a result, you may visually share your tale by creating book covers using stickers, figures, or dynamic text.

Affinity Photo

Another Adobe product is on our list, and with good reason. There is just no way to discuss image editing or producing digital art without at the very least mentioning Adobe Photoshop.

With its vast plug-in compatibility, the program’s extensive toolset, which can be used to design any book cover regardless of topic or art style, may be further enhanced.

The most excellent tools are always at your disposal without worrying about conversions, thanks to the ability to import and export your projects back and forth between Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator.

Free Book Cover Maker on Canva

You can create book covers with Canva’s free book cover maker, and even novices can do it quickly. Then, choose a professional design from Canva’s tens of thousands of options to represent your message best.

How do I make a book cover in PowerPoint?

Who would have believed you could create book covers with PowerPoint? It’s not at all problematic.


Should I write a book on PowerPoint?

Does PowerPoint have a template for a book?

Powerpoint offers publishers all they need to create an intriguing book from the beginning. If you’re finished with your issue’s design, you may try saving it in PDF format and turning it into a digital flipbook using Flip PDF.

What is the best application for designing book covers?

Visit the assortment of PowerPoint templates and choose the one that best serves your needs. Using Microsoft PowerPoint, open the book presentation template.

Your book should be introduced on the first slide. Using the right-click menu, it would be best if you replaced the picture in this section with your book cover.


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